19 Top Secrets WordPress SEO Plugins in 2017

WordPress is very much popular because of their pluign. Most important thing for WordPress users is increasing traffic of their blog. The more traffic your sites will get, the more you will be benefited by it. Major source of traffic for most of the websites is Search engines. A common dream of owner of every website or blog is to bring their sites in SERP. To make dream true you have to pay heed to search engine optimization of your sites. If you want to do SEO of your site casually, then it will be very difficult for you to get your sites in SERPs. You have to do this job technically and need to resolve some technical problem. To ease your journey of SEO, you may take help of some very helpful plugins which will be like a blessing for you. There are lots of plugins for WordPress SEO. Some best SEO plugins for WordPress of 2016 and 2017 have been described here for the convenience of WordPress users. From my listed every plugin have previous customer reviews. Before installing any wordpress plugin go to plugin directory and see their customer reviews.

19 essential wordpress plugins list 2017

  1. Yoast SEO WordPress plugin

Yoast SEO WordPress plugin is one of the most downloaded WordPress Plugins. You can use it as a comprehensive solution of your almost all types of SEO problems. A Yoast SEO metabox has been added on the post edit screen by Yoast SEO plugin. This metabox helps you to add meta title and description and to choose a focus keyword for your blog post. When you will choose the focus keyword, Yoast will help you to get a score. You can hide or show your content to Search Engines through Yoast. It also generates XML sitemaps for your site and protects RSS feeds of your site from scrappers. Basically, most of the website owner are using yoast because it is easy to install and setup.

Yoast SEO WordPress plugin

  1. Wordfence Security WordPress plugin

Wordfence Security WordPress plugin is the most downloaded security plugin in WordPress. It secures your WordPress website very carefully. Web Application Firewall of Wordfence security plugin hardly let your site getting hacked. Threat Defense Feed of this plugin is regularly updated and there are lots of additional tools which helps you to make your site secured and safe. Though Wordfence Security is a free plugin, premium version will give you some extra advantages like Premium Support, Scheduled Scans, Country Blocking, real-time updates to the Threat Defense Feed, Password Auditing and many more.

Wordfence Security WordPress Plugin

  1. Jetpack WordPress plugin

Jetpack is another useful WordPress Plugin. It has been included by many hosting providers automatically. It mainly bridges the gap between WordPress.com and WordPress.org.  There are lots of modules which you can turn on or off as your wish. Some modules are: Comments, Likes, Manage, Notifications, Carousal, Mobile Theme, Monitor, Post by Email, Protect, Omni search, Sharing, Subscriptions and many more modules which you can activate or deactivate anytime you want. It is a great source for lots of useful features.

Jetpack wordpress plugin

  1. Rel Nofollow Checkbox WordPress plugin

Rel Nofollow Checkbox is a very helpful plugin which simply helps to add dead or deactivated links in a check box. These links contain nofollow tags. It is not a heavy plugin. The only function of this plugin is to add nofollow links in checkbox. Sometimes you cannot find nofollow links from lots of links of your blogsite. This Nofollow links have a bad influence on your site. It may reduce your Search Engine Ranking. In this case, Rel Nofollow Checkbox Plugin can be the best solution for you. It is a hassle-free SEO friendly Plugin. Once you install it, you need not to configure it

rel nofollow checkbox plugin

  1. Redirection WordPress plugin

Redirection WordPress plugin helps to track of 404 error and manage 301 redirection automatically. But if you want you can change 301 redirection to 302 and 307 redirection manually. All of these redirection can be found in many languages. Redirection plugin allows you to pass a URL through to another file, page, or website by custom ‘pass-through’ redirection. It also helps to rearrange your site if it gets disordered or loses its ends. If you want to migrate your pages from old website or change the directories of your WordPress installation, Redirection plugin will be the best for you.

wordpress redirection plugin

  1. Contact Form 7 WordPress plugin

Contact Form 7 Plugin is very helpful tools for WordPress users. It is one of the best contact form plugins. Once upon a time it was the most downloaded contact form plugin in the official WordPress plugin directory. It is a great tool for making a basic contact form of your blog site. It can manage multiple contact forms.  Additionally, it is possible to customize the form and the mail contents comfortably by contact form 7 with simple markup. Contact form 7 allows Ajax-powered submitting, CAPTCHA, Akismet spam filtering and so many things.

contact from 7 plugin

  1. W3 Total Cache WordPress plugin

W3 Total Cache WordPress plugin is one of the must-have plugins for Search Engine optimizer. It helps to improve the SEO and user experience of any site. It also helps to increase website performance and decrease the download duration and page load time. This most important plugin is recommended by many famous SEO experts, web developers and web hosts. It is also trusted by many well recognized companies.  It provides transparent CDN (Content Delivery Network) management with theme files Media Library, and WordPress. It also provides Mobile support, SSL Support and AMP support. It has more attractive features which must impress you.

w3 total cache plugin

  1. WP Super Cache WordPress plugin

WP Super Cache WordPress plugin is another advanced must have plugin for WordPress users. This plugin helps to generate static html files from dynamic WordPress blog. Then web-server will serve the generated file instead of processing the heavier and costlier WordPress PHP scripts. This static html file is mainly served to that users who are not logged in, who never commented on your blog and viewed a password protected post. It decreases load time. It also offers Support for Content Delivery Networks (CDN), Caching for visitors using a mobile device, Page compression and dynamic caching and more.

wp super chche plugin

  1. All in One SEO Pack WordPress plugin

All in One SEO Pack WordPress plugin is one of the most popular plugin for Search Engine Optimizers. It is used by above 1 million websites. This plugin is very powerful taking lots of features and options. It will help you to optimize your site in Search Engine. It makes easy optimizing work of your site for SEO. All in One SEO Pack plugin is highly recommended for beginners. It provides XML Sitemap support, Google AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) support, Google Analytics support, automatic META tags generation and many features what you need.

All in One SEO Pack wordpress plugin

  1. OptinMonster WordPress plugin

OptinMonster started its journey basically as WordPress plugin. But now it has been an important plugin for other sectors of internet users. OptinMonster can be used to test, create and deploy opt in forms. No matter how many sites you run, you can monitor all of your opt-in forms by OptinMonster Plugin from a single location. It works very fast. This plugin try to make your readers and visitors into subscribers. It helps to create pop-up Email subscription form within minutes. The best part of it that you don’t need any coding skills to use this excellent plugin.


  1. Akismet WordPress plugin

Akismet word came from Automattic and Kismet. Automattic is a company which is founded by the WordPress co-founder Matt Mullenweg. Akismet WordPress plugin is mainly a comment filtering service. It checks all comments of your post and automatically filters out those comments which seem like spam. Comments which caught or cleared by Akismet plugin can be shown with their status history. If you start to filter your comments by yourself, it will be very time consuming and disturbing work for you. So Akismet plugin is saving your time. As it is a tool, it may  take unspammed comments.

akismet wordpress plugin

  1. Google XML Sitemaps WordPress plugin

Google XML Sitemaps plugin is a very important plugin for WordPress users. It generates XML sitemap for all types of WordPress pages. The generated sitemap helps search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo to do better index of your blog. It helps the crawlers to see an overall structure of their site and recover it very efficiently. Based on the number of comments, Google XML Sitemaps plugin assesses a priority for each post of your site. Most of the search engines get notified every time, when you create a post about the new content. Google XML Sitemaps plugin upholds all kinds of WordPress generated pages including custom URLs.

Google xml sitemap wordpress plugin

  1. No Follow All External Links WordPress plugin

No Follow All External Links plugin helps you to add nofollow tags to your links. It does not add nofollow tags those links which don’t require any no follow tags. It has a feature to make all external links open in a single window. You can customize this feature by enabling or disabling it any time you want. This plugin is good for search engine optimizer. By adding nofollow tags you can improve your position in search engine.

Nofollow All External Links WordPress plugin

  1. Noindex duplicate page types WordPress plugin

Noindex duplicate page types WordPress plugin helps to add noindex meta tag of a duplicate content. Search engine hates duplicate posts or contents. If any duplicate content get found, you may lose your score in SEO. So, to avoid such kind of problems and to make successful optimization of your sites, you may install this plugin. It is normally added to the header of any duplicate posts. When you want to work with huge amount of posts, this plugin will help you very much.

Noindex duplicate page types WordPress plugin

  1. Broken Link Checker WordPress plugin

Broken Link Checker WordPress plugin is a must have SEO audit plugin. It helps you to clean up your WordPress site by finding broken links. It not only finds the broken or redirected links. It also lets you know how to fix these links. It normally notifies you through dashboard or mail. It also keeps search engines away from following broken links of your site. Broken links may place a bad impact on your page optimization process. It is very difficult to find out the broken links normally among huge number of links. Broken Link Checker WordPress plugin makes this job easier for you.

Broken link checker wordpress plugin

  1. Really Simple CAPTCHA WordPress plugin

Really Simple CAPTCHA WordPress plugin is a part of another plugin. It normally does not work alone. Though it was mainly created with Contact form 7 plugins, you can use this plugin with your own plugin. If you want add it with your own plugin, you may easily add it following some steps. Really Simple CAPTCHA solves the Captcha very easily. It normally creates two files for generated captcha. One contains image of CAPTCHA and the other file contains text which is the answer of the Captcha. This plugin also plays a very important role in website security enhancement.

Really Simple CAPTCHA WordPress plugin

  1. Ultimate Nofollow WordPress plugin

Ultimate Nofollow WordPress plugin is an essential SEO tools. It helps to tag or remove nofollow tags from all links of a site. It adds a nofollow checkbox while you enter the links of posts. It provides several nofollow short codes. It contains many tools in one package. By these tools, you may control the nofollow tag of every link on your blog both individually or categorically. It provides a good filter of the links of sites and this filtering is really helpful for SEO.

Ultimate Nofollow WordPress plugin

  1. Floating Social Media Icon WordPress plugin

Floating Social Media Icon plugin is a highly rated and popular plugin. It provides you a customizable and configurable social media bar that floats on the screen. When visitors scroll your site, this floating bar also moves with visitor’s scrolling. You can also customize this bar turning into static from floating. Floating Social Media Icon provides you above 20 different types of icon styles to choose. You may choose them according to themes of your website. It also can add many widgets to show various social media buttons on your pages.

Floating Social Media Icon WordPress plugin

  1. Disqus Comment System WordPress Plugins

Disqus Comment System is very useful for WordPress users. It provides service according to your demand. You can integrate social media in disqus. You also can add pictures, videos if you want. This plugin is adopted by many bloggers for their blogsite. It can catch real-time comments. So, you can see the most recent comments first. You also can moderate and control the comments which one you want to publish or which one you want to ignore.

Disqus Comment System WordPress Plugins

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