30 Secret SEO tricks Hacks to skyrocket CTR

WordPress has been very popular for last few years. There are lots of WordPress websites index in every minutes. Every wordpress website owner want to get better ranking position on Google Search Engine and others. So it has been very competitive and difficult matter. But there’s a hope and scope to get better rank on Google. If you conduct SEO of your site properly and strategically, you must be successful in your business. To boost the SEO of your WordPress Website, you may apply some strategies which have been described here in brief.  From this content you will  get 30 Secret SEO tips and tricks to promote Your WordPress Site.

30 Secret SEO tricks Hacks to skyrocket CTR

  1. Check your site’s visibility from settings

After starting up of your WordPress blog you need to check the visibility of your blog site. Because WordPress may show a built-in option which refer you to hide your website from search engines. That means, WordPress comes with an option named “discourage search engines from indexing this site”. If you select or enable this option you will get deprived of Search Engine Indexing. Any Search Engine will not crawl your sites. This is so harmful for SEO of your blog site. So, you have to disable this option.

  1. Use SEO friendly URL structures

URL structure of the blog site should be SEO friendly URL address will be SEO friendly, if you can guess the content by watching URL text. That means, keywords which represent the content best should be added in URL structures. Other hand, unfriendly SEO URL structure cannot represent the content. These unfriendly SEO URLs normally add short forms of words which are really difficult to understand.

  1. Choose the best WordPress SEO Plugins

WordPress has plugins in everything. Unexceptionally WordPress has SEO plugins too. There are lots of SEO friendly plugins. Sometimes, it has been difficult for beginners to choose the best Plugins for SEO. To get the best benefit in free Yoast SEO is the most effective plugins. Yoast SEO is a highly-recommended plugin for beginners. There are also some other plugins which also do good job, such as All in One SEO Pack, WordPress SEO, Squirrel etc.

  1. Install an .xml sitemap plugin

sitemap in really important for any website. Sitemap helps to index quickly and your visitor will get benefit from them. It is really important for WordPress blogs. It helps search engines to find all of your pages and to index them. If this sitemap become .xml formatted, the process of indexing will be easier and faster. There has a good plugin named “Google XML Sitemaps” for WordPress which updates and creates .xml formatted sitemap.

  1. Nofollow all External links

If you approve too much do-follow link from your website or webpage you will get penalize from GOOGLE. Those linked pages is really harmful for your business as well. Sometimes you may get some hyperlinks with rel=”nofollow” attribute. Actually these hyperlinks with rel=”nofollow” attribute instruct search engines to avoid those links. This Nofollow option helps you to save link juice. Link juice is very important in SEO. It helps to improve the search ranking of your blog site. No-follow all external links is really helpful to do them perfectly.

  1. Speed up your blog

Users normally want faster blog. They lose their interest if the pages be loaded slowly. Moreover, faster websites get good ranking in search engine. If you want to make your blog site faster, you have to reduce the load on your web server. As a solution of this big problem you may install caching plugins. Besides, making the load time faster it also it also reduces the loads from your websites. There are some good caching plugins like W3 Total Cache, WP Super Cache for WordPress.

  1. Use a CDN to improve your site’s performance

Site’s performance is a very important factor in SEO. Site’s performance may get down because of lots of static content like java scripts, CSS, images, videos etc. But you have to keep these must have content. As a solution, you may use CDN. It is very helpful for those websites which contain lots of content. It normally stores content among numerous servers. MaxCDN, CloudFlare are the most effect CDN which are highly recommended by many experts.

  1. Choose a better webhost

Choosing a better host is a very important factor in WordPress. Site’s performance varies from host to host. Sometimes, it happens that you optimized the code by CDN and caching plugins, still you are not getting your expected performance. It may be problems of your host. In that case, you can switch your host to another host which provides good performance. From the very first, you should choose the best webhost. There are lots of good web hosting companies like BlueHost, A2 Hosting and A Small Orange etc. which are very effective for WordPress.

  1. Avoid spam posts or comments

Spamming has a negative effect on SEO. Search engines don’t appreciate any unrelated posts or comments outside the topic. If they find any spam comments they may flag your site and your site may get penalized by them. So, you should be careful about spam comments. Updated versions of WordPress have added a system to prevent the spam posts or comments from showing in the first place. If it is possible, you can block or remove the spam comments.

  1. Try to avoid the PageRank sculpting

Google advised to let PageRank flow freely within site. They also encouraged on making great content and choosing a site architecture for the PageRank rather than the PageRank sculpting which is created by Google in 2009. In new PageRank algorithm, Google added NoFollow tags excessively. So, this is not the best way to utilize your PageRank effectively.

  1. Do Internal Linking with related tropics

Internal linking still is one of the best strategies for any kind of website SEO. Internal linking is sharing your own site’s links in your own page. In that case, when you add new posts in your site, you may link older posts or related posts as recommendations. It works like a map of related posts on your site. Besides getting more traffic in old posts, it also helps both users and bots to make navigation within your site easily.

  1. Optimize the images

Performance of any website quietly depends on its content and image is an important part of any website content. Heavy sized images may make performance of your website low. So before uploading images on your site you should optimize them by compressing or resizing. You also may take help of plugin which automatically resizes your images for upload. You also can add some keywords in your images by alt tags. It will also help you to improve in ranking.

  1. Avoid unnecessary pages

Unnecessary page does not have any value. So, it is good that you don’t add any unnecessary external links to your site. If you do that your site may lose PageRank juice. Even if you use rel=”nofollow” attribute in those external links, they will still kill your Page Juice.

  1. Add Social Media Sharing options

Social Medias are the best way to reach the highest level of viewers. Now-a-days most of the people use social medias. Some popular Social Medias are Google Plus, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest etc. Sharing posts of your website in social media you may get lots of visitors and lots of visitors will make heavy traffic on your site. So, adding social media sharing buttons is a smart way for WordPress Website SEO.

  1. Highlight informative content or keywords and tweak the post titles

Post titles have a significant role on SERPs. This is the post title which help users to find your website by their search results. What you will highlight in the post will be shown in search results. You should highlight informative content and keywords on post titles. You also should be careful about selecting words for titles. Because there are lots of synonymous words which may not work in your search. So, you have to keep balance of it.

  1. Use some traditional On-page SEO factors

Some On-page SEO factors like title tags, Meta descriptions are important for WordPress Website SEO. Keyword-rich description has a great effect on search engine ranking factors. If you added any SEO plugins in your WordPress website, you can customize your titles and meta description very easily. However, some updated Search Engines now generate descriptions automatically.

  1. Use Search Engine optimized themes

Most of the beginners think that installing and activating a WordPress SEO plugin is all about WordPress SEO. But this is a wrong concept. SEO is an ongoing process and you have to keep pace with it to get the best results. You have to give attention in themes which should be SEO friendly. Some themes use lots of code which reduces the place for content and keyword density. It is a very bad sign for SEO. So, you should choose a well-organized theme.

  1. Select a responsive theme

Responsive themes are very important in SEO. You will get a better user experience by responsive themes. Other hand for mobile devices, Google prefer to responsive sites. So, if you want better user experience and preference of Google, you must choose a responsive theme. Most of the designs of present time are responsive.

  1. Customize your robots.txt

Robots.txt helps you to block or hide unnecessary and harmful pages of your site which you don’t want google to crawl or index. It is a very useful factor for SEO. Because there may have many pages of your site which may have negative effects on Search Engine Optimization. For WordPress, this process has been easier because of WordPress Robots.txt File plugin. You can create an automatic robots.txt by this plugin for your site by editing it anytime from setting option.

  1. Add new posts frequently

Search Engines like new and frequent posts. Specially Google prefers those blogs in its SERPs which give new posts frequently. Long term break between two posts may have a negative impact. Because Google doesn’t like this long-term gap, even though you posted regularly in the past. So, you should maintain a regularity in adding new posts. Again, Google also hates same to same copied posts or articles. Before posting any article, you have to be sure about that whether the article is copied or not.

  1. Take advantage of the first-100 keywords zone

First few paragraphs of the posts in your site are very important. Because, Google gives priority to these paragraphs when it indexes pages. So, you should write the first few paragraphs very carefully and effectively. You can add an overall brief discussion on first few paragraphs or add most selective keywords which are the main points of the text. You also can add some internal related links to increase more interest.

  1. Fix broken links

Having lots of broken links in a blog is obviously not a positive matter. When Search engines find lots of broken link from any blog during indexing, they think the blogsite is not active or not maintained properly. As a result, you have to penalize for it. So, you should be aware of broken links. Normally it is difficult to find broken links among huge active links. As a solution, you can use a WordPress plugin named Broken Link Checker to identify the internal or external broken links. After finding broken links, you should fix them.

  1. Optimize URL lengths

Long URL has many disadvantages like long URLs are difficult to remember. If anyone wants to go to the link directly by URL, he/she may be failed to enter because of forgetting long URLs. So, you can say it reduces the direct visitors. Again, Google also doesn’t like too long URLs. They may lose their interest entering the link after watching long URLs. Further long URLs are not fully visible in SERPs. So, you should avoid long URL and optimize it in perfect length.

  1. Improve your content

To judge a blog site whether it is useful or not, at first you have to see the content of that site. If its content is unique, impressive and useful for users, the site is alright. There are lots of niche sites in the internet world. Most of these sites have updated features, plugins or other facilities. But only the sites which have unique contents stay at the top of the results. Now -a-days Search Engine pays much attention to the content. Specially Google now tries to understand the user’s thought by many techniques if they are loving the content on your site or not. It scrutinizes on-site user-activity, social signals, bounce rate of a page etc. So, you should pay much attention to your content.

  1. Use Google authorship markup

It has been shown in a survey that using of authorship markup can increase organic traffic of your site. Besides, increasing traffic it also helps to make your blogsite entries in the SERPs more interesting and promising than those sites which are not using authorship markup. Again, this authorship markup can make you acquainted as a writer to Search Engine. If you write well, at a time Search Engine specially Google may place your name in Google Author Rank and it will be a great achievement for you.

  1. Try to get a sudden boost in traffic

This is not an easy task to get a sudden boost in traffic. To get lots of traffic, lots of users have to visit your site. But without any reason people will not visit your site. So, you have to create the reason so that people get interested and they visit your site. To do this miracle, you have to think creatively and bring something new in which people will get more interested. Some bloggers are often confined to their as usual thoughts. They even don’t try to produce excellent, unique and impressive idea. As a result, how much they work on their blog, they got limited number of visitors. So, you should try to create a content that will get viral.

  1. Give attention to your blog’s Social Media profiles

Social Medias are great platform to reach your blog sites to all types of people. Now-a-day you hardly find those people who don’t have any account in any Social Media. So, social medias are great weapon to increase the popularity of your site. You should add information on your site’s social media profiles in detail. Graphic Enriched profiles are more attractive to people. So, you can add lots of graphics. It has been shown that blogs which have a strong profile in Facebook and Twitter, get lots of traffic quickly. So, you should try to stay always active in your site’s social media profiles.

  1. Try to write detailed, informative and lengthy posts

It has been seen from a statistic that top ten site’s average content length of Google Rank is minimum 2000 words. So, it can be said that lengthy contents are very important to get your site in SERPs. It is not like that lengthy contents took them in the top position. Rather readers love to read lengthy posts. Other hand, it’s not also like that you will post lengthy content and people will read it. To make reader read your content you must write informative article in detail so that people don’t face any difficulty to understand your writing. Going to make lengthy posts, if you use unnecessary words, it will rather flag your position. So, you should try to write your posts in detail adding lots of useful information.

  1. Share the link of special content more

There may have some posts which you think are comparatively more important, useful and special than others. If people watch these special posts, they may get interested and benefited by these posts. Now if you want to let the search engine know about those posts which deserves more attention, you may link these posts again and again. It will help you to get your sites in SERPs.

  1. Don’t use black hat techniques or mirror html sites

Some people try to be over smart. To get more profit easily in SEO, they follow some illegal techniques like black hat techniques, mirror html etc. These techniques are highly risk. You should always try to avoid these disapproved way. Because, if Search engines can catch your trick, they have the power to punish you even they can ban your site.


SEO is a long-term process. Every step for SEO of your site you need to take care. Your simple mistake can give you lots of sufferings and you must loose ranking position. You can do experiment applying all of these strategies and try to understand from which strategy you are getting more benefited. Another most important thing is that staying updated with new SEO techniques. As SEO is an ongoing process, lots of changes in SEO can happen within short period of time, so it is really important to stay updated with it. Ultimately, it can be said that to be successful in SEO, you should be patient, active and dedicated.

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